My job 

Having a job is the best thing will happen to you since you will feel more responsible, and mature. Those moments after graduation once you start searching for a job are amazing moments. You will utilize everything you have learned to help and support others. This essay includes two templates on how to to describe your job.

Template One: 

My name is……..I work as a doctor at …………… in Amman. I started my practical work after I finished my fourth year at the university. I chose this major because I am passionate about helping people especially elderlies. I intended to study and to succeed to treat poor people who don’t have the capacity to go to hospitals. In addition, I am curious about everything related to the human body, I feel like it’s magic! How all organs work together without stopping. This is an absolute bless. I specialized in all the problems related to the heart, so you can call me a ”cardiologist”. I love my job, and I hope I can do it properly.

Template Two:

I am a teacher. A math teacher. I have been working since 2018. I love seeing students working on their personalities every day, I love their intention, and I love how the dream of the future. Those feelings are the best thing regarding my job. I try my best to let them think and use their minds as much as they can. They are super smart, that’s why I take my job as a challenge for me. In future, I am looking to continue my higher education, so I can teach at universities. To a teacher is not something easy because you are building a generation, but I believe that teaching is a message, and once you realize that message, you can spread it to your students.