الأرنب حيوانٌ أليفٌ لطيف المظهر، وهو أحد الحيوانات التي تعيش مع الإنسان، ويستفيد منها، وللأرنب العديد من المزايا، بالإضافة إلى أنّ هناك احتياجاتٍ لا بدّ من توفيرها له عند تربيته في المنزل أو المزرعة، وجميع هذه المعلومات وأكثر نستعرضها في النماذج الثلاثة لموضوع التعبير عن الأرنب باللغة الإنجليزية، والمخصصة لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائية، في هذا المقال، قراءة ممتعة.

تعبير عن الأرنب بالإنجليزي (النموذج الأول)


Rabbit is a small and cute animal. Its body is covered with thick fur. Rabbits are mammals. They have short fluffy tails and long ears. Rabbits have four strong short legs. This helps them to run fast and escape from predators. They also have front teeth. These teeth are sharp, and they help the rabbit to eat its food. Hay is the main food of rabbits. But they can also eat some other vegetables, fruits and plants. Many people keep rabbits at home as a source of meat. While others keep them as pets they take care of, just like cats and dogs.

تعبير عن الأرنب بالإنجليزي (النموذج الثاني)

An Active Animal: Rabbit

Rabbit is not just a cute animal that we see in cartoons. This animal is amazing. A female rabbit can give birth to 1-14 babies at a time. The rabbit can see everything around it because its eyes are on the sides of its head. Baby rabbits are known as kits. While the female rabbit is known as a doe, and the male is called a buck. Rabbits like to live in groups. Their teeth keep growing, and they are sharp to help them eat raw food. Rabbits are active animals. They like to play and jump around all day.

تعبير عن الأرنب بالإنجليزي (النموذج الثالث)

How to Care for a Rabbit

Rabbit looks like an egg with legs, head, and short, fluffy tail. Rabbits are among the animals kept by people for their meat, skin, and wool. To take care of rabbits, put them in a warm and wide place where they can jump and run. Also, provide them with hay and clean water. You should not feed rabbits some types of food. Such as: chocolate, eggs, meat, potatoes, mushrooms. Rabbits love company. For this reason, keep rabbits in pairs. Also, keep rabbits away from loud noise because it can kill them. Rabbits are wonderful animals. They are a symbol of kindness and good luck.