In society, there are vulnerable groups, such as orphans and disabled people. Such people need help, and they have special needs. At this point, the importance of charity appears in helping vulnerable groups and providing for their needs. My schoolmates and I took part in a volunteer campaign. We also attended a lecture on charity, which I will talk about the things I learned from it in this essay.
The term charity refers to activities and practices that individuals undertake with the aim of helping others in society. It also means providing financial and in-kind assistance to people who need them. In general, charity aims to improve the standard of living for these people, help them overcome difficulties in life, and make them feel their importance. Charity is distinguished from other activities in that its participants do not receive money for their efforts. In addition to this, charity can be done by individuals and organizations. Charity must also be continuous, and preserves the dignity of the people being helped. Charity has many benefits. These benefits include both individuals and society. For individuals, it encourages good deeds and positive feelings, such as empathy, compassion, and kindness. Charity also makes people appreciate the blessings that they have. As for society, charity helps society reduce the effects of its major problems, such as poverty, crimes, unemployment, and illiteracy. It also promotes respect between different groups in society, and encourages cooperation between them. Charity has many types, including donations of food, clothing, and medicine. Other types include helping orphans, supporting poor students, treating poor patients, visiting nursing homes, and volunteering.
When we help others through charity, we also help ourselves. We all live in one society, and we are affected by each other. After that lecture, I decided to get more involved in charity work, and encourage others to do so. Because charity makes us better people.