A Way to Relax

Reading books is one of the best ways to relax. It is your space to sit with yourself and concentrate. It is your “me time”. Once you catch a book, you are going to feel that you are immersed in the story. You are going to feel that you are between its lines. As many research papers say: “ Reading is such an amazing therapy”. 

Layan and Lilian agreed last week to start reading a page every night, and they chose one short story for both of them as a starting point. They realized the importance of this step after attending a workshop with one of the famous writers in their country. Their school invited her to tell students about her experience with writing books. She started her speech by saying: “Books are the best way o relax”, Layan and Lilian didn’t convince till the writer gave them scientific clues. She said that when you read, your body stays motionless, and this soothes the tension of your muscles and lowers your heart rates. Moreover, it is considered a fast way rather than listening to music or walking under the rain. Some people have a cup of tea next to the window, so it would be good to start training yourself on catching a book and having your favorite tea. If you suffer from stress or anxiety, trust me reading is your treatment. Layan and Lilian got convinced by the writer’s speech, and they bought a book after the workshop immediately. Now, they are recommending their friends to make this game-changing step and to search for books that meet their interests.

Finally, a great book will inspire you in your everyday life and will take you to another world. It is a creative, beneficial way, and trust me! It is not boring just be picky while choosing.