My First Day at School

Your first day at school is a memory that would last forever. You are going to remember it every now and then, and you are going to tell others about it. It could be good or bad or it could be funny. Rana is going to describe her first day at school, and she is going to tell us how she is feeling right now.

I am now 14 years old. My family reminded me of my first day at school. On Friday, we were sitting together and suddenly my mother and my father started laughing. I was curious to know. They were recalling my first day at school. I was super afraid of taking new steps, and I was very attached to my mother, but school is a must. My mother told me that I spent the whole night crying, and I refused even to prepare my bag. The idea of going to a new environment was scary for me even though I am sociable and I used to play with all the kids in our neighborhood. Back to my first day, I woke up early, and I had a quick breakfast with my parents, and they were staring at me to see if I am going to cry or not. I prepared myself, and I told them that I am going to wait for the bus down near my house. Once the bus arrived, I started to cry, and I refused to get in. the supervisor gave me a huge bar of chocolate to convince me. In school, I met my classmates, they were kind. Some of them were crying like me, and some of them were laughing and socializing. After maybe one hour, I started to feel the vibes, and I got into the mood. 

Let me say that it was absolutely a memorable day, it wasn’t that good because it took me time to cope with the environment, but I will definitely say it again to my children in the future.