الأب من النعم الكثيرة والمهمة في الحياة؛ فهو السند والصديق، وفي هذا المقال، نستعرض 3 نماذج لموضوع تعبير عن الأب باللغة الإنجليزية، تناسب طلاب المرحلة الابتدائية، قراءة ممتعة.
تعبير عن الأب بالإنجليزية (النموذج الأول)
Dad, Daddy, and Papa. All these names are for one person, who is the father. The father makes sure that his family lives a happy life. He works from morning till evening to support his wife and children. A good father teaches his children morals and what is right or wrong. When a father gives anything, he expects nothing in return. To respect the father, the children should talk to him in a polite way. They also have to keep quiet when he is at home. When the father is old, his children have to take care of him as he took care of them in their childhood.
تعبير عن الأب بالإنجليزية (النموذج الثاني)
Father: the First Role Model
The father is a dear member in the family. He is the breadwinner who works to fulfill the needs of his wife and children. The father is the role model for his children. He is the one they look up at. It is the father's duty to teach his children how to be good people. It is also his duty to guide them to choose the right path. The father is the only person in the world who wants to see his children better than himself. Obeying the father is a must. We have to respect our father, and appreciate all they do for us.
تعبير عن الأب بالإنجليزية (النموذج الثالث)
The Love of Father
The father is the source of love, care, and safety for his family. He also provides for all their needs. Father's love is unconditional. This means that the father does not expect anything in return for what he gives and does. The father teaches us to do the right thing. Also, he does not mind working from morning to evening to support his family. There are many ways to respect and obey the father, such as listening to what he says, spending time with him, helping him, and asking for his advice. We must always feel proud of our fathers, and respect them at all times.