The Internet! Is It Bad?

The internet became such an essential part of our daily life. Most of the things we use every day are running by the internet. One of the famous examples that we use nowadays are computers. People among all ages are under this influence. Internet is a network which connects things or people together. Today, we will be talking about the use of the internet especially among kids.

Last evening, I was sitting with my grandmother, and I was showing her my new Iphone. She was surprised by this invention. We used it to call my uncle, he lives in Canda. The video call was super clear, and my grandmother felt as if she sitting with him. Regardless the place, time, and the distance, me and my grandma were able to connect with my uncle Ahmad who lives in another continent. This is absolutely an advantage! Connecting people together. As for me, I chat with my friends via WhatsApp, so you can either write or talk. Moreover, my father bought me a laptop, so I can study better. I use the internet to google things. For example, my teacher Sanaa told me yesterday to prepare the poem which is written by Mahmoud Darweesh, I used google to know more about his biography. It is the best. Another thing, many machines and devices run by the internet. Last day, I was with my father, he turned the GPS on to find the way. I remembered the lesson we have taken at school which revolves around “The Internet of Things”. This concept states that the internet is part of everything we use. 

Finally, as a 14 year student, It cannot imagine my life without the internet even though I know that it has serious bad effects. I will try ro use it wisely, and under the supervision of my lovely parents.