I Love Football

Having a side hobby is something amazing because it allow you to find your hidden personality and your hidden talents. Hobbies differ among physical and mental, and when we say physical hobbies, it comes to my mind “sports” which are divided according to the body part that you are using. For example, if you play football, you tend to use your legs more than your hands. Salah is very talented at playing football, and he is going to tell us about his story.

I am Salah, and I am 9 years old. I started playing football since I was 6. My brother khaled taught me, and I started to fall in love with it. If you ask me right now “who is your best friend?” I will definitely say “my ball”. Thank Allah! Finally! I convinced my father to let me join the football club which is located in our city, but unfortunately, they refused and they said that I am still under the legal age, and they start to accept players from 15. It was so frustrating for me, but it is not the end. I joind the football team at school, and my team won the match last week. They gave me a gold medal since I was one of the special players. I play football everyday, and I think I am now obsessed with it, so it is my favorite sport. My parents pushed me to try other sports like cycling, and they bought me a wonderful, colorful bicycle, but I felt it is not my type. I am a very hyperactive child. I love running, jumping, and everything needs an effort. 

In conclusion, I will train myself very hard, so I can be part of the football club. I recommend each and every child to follow his or her talents, and to work on them. Sports are an amazing choice if you want to stay healthy.