Energy Conservation

In the old days, people used to depend on limited sources of energy, such as the sun, the water, and the wind. But today, the world has become more developed. This causes an increased demand for energy sources. And accordingly many problems, that affect all living creatures on Earth, have occurred. Because of that, energy conservation has become an important issue in our world today. In this essay, I will talk about energy conservation, and its method. In addition to the things that waste energy. 

Energy conservation means saving energy through reducing its use. It also means protecting energy from wasting, by using devices and other methods that use less energy, and avoiding energy wasting habits. We need to save energy in our world today for several reasons, including: preserving energy sources for future generations, reducing global warming, protecting the environment from pollution, reducing energy bills, protecting human health from diseases, and ensuring a safe future on Earth. The first step in saving energy is to avoid practices and habits that waste energy. Examples of these bad habits include: leaving the lights on in the daytime, leaving the tap running, turning on the air conditioner without the need for it, and not maintaining home appliances to ensure that they do not waste energy. On the other hand, there are many methods to conserve energy. Such methods are easy and very effective. Examples of energy conservation methods include: using home appliances that save energy, not washing clothes in hot water, opening windows during the day for natural light, and using public transportation and bicycles.

Energy conservation should not be underestimated. Our life on this planet depends to a large extent on it. Energy conservation makes us live in this world in peace and safety. It also helps us to fairly share energy sources with each other.