تعبير عن صديقي المفضل بالإنجليزية (نموذج 1)
يتحدث نموذج موضوع التعبير القصير التالي عن الصديق المفضل، وما الذي يجعله شخصًا مهمًا في الحياة:
My Best Friend
I have a best friend. His/Her name is ______. We are best friends because he/she spends a lot of time with me. We play together, and sometimes we study together. My best friend is not someone I only spend a lot of time with. He/She helps me when I need him/her. He/She also protects me, and makes me do the right things. When I make mistakes, my best friend advises me. Sometimes, my best friend and I fight. But we don't hate each other. Our friendship is very precious, and we are not willing to lose it for any reason. My best friend makes life beautiful and exciting. I love him/her, and I hope our friendship lasts forever.
لاحظ في نموذج التعبير السابق وجود خيارات متعددة للضمائر بين المذكر والمؤنث، (His/Her)، (him/her)، (He/She)، والتي يتم الاختيار بينها حسب الصديق المفضل؛ فإذا كان الحديث عن صديق مفضل ذكر، يتم استخدام الضمائر (He/him/His)، وفي حالة الحديث عن صديقة مفضلة، يتم في هذه الحالة اختيار (She/Her).
يوجد في بداية التعبير فراغ، يتم ملؤه باسم الصديق المفضل/الصديقة المفضلة.
يوجد في بداية التعبير فراغ، يتم ملؤه باسم الصديق المفضل/الصديقة المفضلة.
تعبير عن صديقي المفضل بالإنجليزية (نموذج 2)
يتناول نموذج موضوع التعبير القصير التالي الأمور التي تجعل الجميع يحتاجون إلى صديقٍ مفضل في حياتهم:
Everyone Needs a Best Friend
Every person has many friends. But among these friends, he has one best friend. A best friend is a person's closest friend. Many people describe a best friend as close as family members. Some people also consider a best friend as a brother or sister. A true best friend is always there for you. He also helps you when you get into trouble, and defends you. When a disagreement happens with the best friend, it doesn't take much time, and the friendship gets back to normal quickly. Everyone needs a best friend because life with him is wonderful, exciting, and amazing.
تعبير عن صديقي المفضل بالإنجليزية (نموذج 3)
في نموذج موضوع التعبير القصير التالي رسالة شكر موجهة خصيصًا إلى الصديق المفضل:
Thank You my Best Friend
My dear best friend, thank you for being a part of my life. You make my life wonderful. Every moment I spend with you makes me happy. I am grateful that I know you. Thank you for playing with me. Thank you for standing up for me when I can't. I will never forget our funny memories and moments. Because you are my best friend, I feel you are one of my family members. I have never felt that you are a stranger. Thank you for sharing the happy and sad moments with me. When I'm sad, I always find you by my side. Thank you for never giving up on me. I hope you remain my best friend forever, and I wish you all the best and happiness.