Pollution: the Scourge of the Era

I feel disturbed every time I go out and see garbage and pollution everywhere. So, I decided to make my family and friends aware of this problem. I did research on pollution, and I found a lot of interesting information. In this essay, I will talk about this information, as well as ways to reduce pollution.

Pollution is one of the most serious disasters that humanity faces. It is defined as a number of harmful practices that expose the environment and the living things to pollutants. Such pollutants negatively affect the quality of life. They also affect people’s health and their ability to live normally. There are many types of pollution. Such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. Air pollution is caused by smoke, dust and harmful gasses emitted by human activities. As for water pollution, water bodies are exposed to it because of the pollutants that are thrown into them. Such as waste water and pesticides. While soil pollution is caused by toxic chemicals that are added to it through agricultural activities and other activities that affect the soil. On the other hand, noise pollution is caused by disturbing levels of noise, which come from vehicles, construction sites, and loudspeakers. When we look around, we can see many forms of pollution. Including accumulated garbage, smoke from vehicle exhaust, dumping rubbish in the streets, and burning plastic waste. There are many effects of pollution. For example, water and air pollution cause health problems. Soil pollution, on the other hand, contaminates the crops that people depend on for their food. While noise pollution may cause hearing loss.

Reducing pollution is a collective responsibility. We can contribute to it through simple practices in our daily lives. Examples of such practices include using public transportation instead of cars, turning off lights in unused rooms, recycling plastic and paper, and planting trees. Also, awareness campaigns are important to reduce pollution. People should realize how dangerous it is, and the disasters it causes to our world.