The Power of a Smile

Face is the mirror of the soul. This means that what people think and feel appears on their faces. Facial expressions tell us about other people's feelings, even if they do not say a word. Smile is one of the facial expressions. It is related to positive feelings and happiness. In this essay, I will talk about smiling, its benefits, meanings, and how to keep smiling.

When we smile, the muscles at the sides of the mouth flex, and our front teeth may appear. There are many reasons to smile. For example, we smile when we hear good news, or feel happy. We also smile when we meet our friends and the people we love to see and spend time with. In addition, there are people who smile when they remember funny things in the past, or remember good memories. Smiling is good for our health. It makes us less stressed and in a good mood. Smiling also helps us avoid negative thoughts. When we smile at people we know, it strengthens our relationship with them and brings us closer to each other. Smiling at such people makes them smile. This means that smiling spreads positivity, happiness, and other good feelings. On the other hand, frowning is the opposite of smiling. Frowning has many negative meanings. Such as: sadness, anger, and anxiety. Unlike smiling, frowning spreads negative feelings and makes others avoid us. For this, we must always keep smiling, and avoid frowning as much as we can. 

There are many ways to keep smiling. We have to think positive and happy things, and avoid any negative thoughts. We can also do activities that are fun and bring happiness, such as hobbies. Most importantly, we have to remember that smiling is good for our health.