The Teacher

There are people who play an important role in life. Without them, we will face many challenges and problems. One of these people is the teacher, without teachers we will live in ignorance and illiteracy. The role of the teacher is important in all societies around the world. We cannot return the favor to our teachers with all words of thanks. In this essay, I will talk about their great role, and the things that make them irreplaceable.

When young children enroll in school, the teacher is the first person to help them to get used to this new stage. He is also the first person to teach them the letters, and how to pronounce and write them. Thanks to the teacher, students learn to read words, sentences, and texts. And they become able to understand the world around them. Later, the teacher becomes the primary source of knowledge. Students learn from the teacher new information about different areas of life, and begin to think outside the box. This helps students to become creative, and develop their skills and talents. The most notable trait of the teacher is patience. When a student has a problem with learning, the teacher is ready to repeat the information to him until he understands it. The role of the teacher at the school is similar to the role of the parents at home. Students can ask the teacher for help when they face any problem. The teacher helps the students by giving them advice, and always makes sure to create a comfortable environment for them. And does that to help them to focus, learn, and enjoy the lessons, so they can achieve success.

On the fifth of October every year, World Teachers' Day is celebrated. This day is an opportunity to honor all teachers, and remember their great role. Recognizing the importance of the teachers is one of the things that makes societies successful. The teacher is the one who lights the way for the generations. He does not hesitate to face difficulties in order for students to learn and build their communities.